Multiple wh-fronting in Spanish?
I discovered, to my surprise, that multiple wh-fronting is sometimes possible in Spanish:
(1) ¿Cómo, por qué, para qué, a quién enseñamos Español?
This literally means: "How, why, to what, to whom do (we) teach Spanish?"
Furthermore, the order of wh-phrases is actually free in these cases. However, multiple fronting is blocked if the subject is questioned:
(2) * Quién cómo compró?
Direct Object questions also seems to have a blocking effect:
(3) *¿Qué cómo compraste?
but they can be ameliorated with a resumptive clitic and coordination (to my judgement, anyway):
(4) ¿(Dime) qué y cómo lo compraste?
And DO-IO questions are not bad (I think):
(5) Qué (y) a quién (le) compraste?
So, when we question non arguments, we can freely front wh-phrases, but with arguments it seems to be some restrictions. I was thinking about that. Do you know if this has been noticed (not only for Spanish, but other languages)?
is your first example an oral one? Or is it taken from a written document?
The examples 4 and 5 are more like two sentences that share the same verb.
Comó lo compraste? y Por qué lo compraste?
reduced to
Comó y por qué lo compraste?
The y is a trace for there a 2 sentences because the y fit two phrases that are similar (in general two main sentences )
This paralelisms happens very often in classic latin
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